Grounded in Greek
Greeks share stories of the people and experiences that have grounded them in who they are today. Join Brigette on this journey to learn more about the Greek heritage and to find shared meaning in the stories told, whether you're Greek or not.
Grounded in Greek
Grounded in Comedy with Ellen Karis
Season 3
Episode 24
Ellen Karis is a comedian who has been gifted the title of “Greek Goddess of Comedy.” She transitioned from a career on Wall Street to one on the stage in New York and has been hustling in the industry ever since, mixing performing mainstream comedy shows with Greek-specific shows. She talks about the struggles, especially for women, what’s involved in her preparation, and how she pulls from the Greek work ethic she learned growing up.
Find out more about her shows, book, and podcast below:
- Website: www.ellenkaris.com
- Podcast: http://kariscomedycorner.libsyn.com
- Book (“Special People: Godparents in the Orthodox Christian Faith”): https://a.co/d/9okyPVG
- Twitter and Instagram: @GreekChickComic
- Facebook: Ellen Karis "Greek Goddess of Comedy"
- YouTube: Ellen Karis
Catch even more of Grounded in Greek
- Podcast Shop: www.grounded-in-greek-podcast.myshopify.com
- Social Media: www.instagram.com/grounded.in.greek/
- Contact: groundedingreek@gmail.com