Grounded in Greek
Greeks share stories of the people and experiences that have grounded them in who they are today. Join Brigette on this journey to learn more about the Greek heritage and to find shared meaning in the stories told, whether you're Greek or not.
Grounded in Greek
Grounded in Writing Children’s Books with Brianna Koucos Midgley
Season 3
Episode 23
Brianna Koucos Midgley is the author of Yiayia's Kitchen Children's Book Series. Her and Brigette talk about the process of writing a children’s book as well as the challenges of finishing projects that mean so much to us. They also discuss facing criticisms and Brianna shares how she’s grown through it all by remaining authentic to herself.
Find her books, gift items, blog, and social media links at: yiayiaskitchenchildrensbooks.com
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